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Don’t Overlook Rockville’s Diamonds in the Rough

When looking for your perfect Rockville, Maryland home, there are going to be a lot of home characteristics that are going to cause you to leave homes by the wayside. However, just because a house has a few flaws doesn’t mean it doesn’t have the potential to be everything you want in a home. Here are a few tips to help you overcome potential shortcomings in a home:

  • Bad wallpaper can be a major eyesore, but it’s no reason to write-off a potential home. Wallpaper can be removed. Walls are one of the easiest components of a home to aesthetically manipulate, so just imagine that floral wallpaper as a bare wall painted in the color of your choosing.
  • Speaking of easily remedied blemishes in a home’s value to you, flooring drives away many more potential home buyers than it should. If you’re looking at a house in Rockville with carpeting that doesn’t suit your fancy, tear it out and put new carpeting or wood flooring down. Projects like these don’t take more than a weekend and are often relatively inexpensive.
  • If the kitchen is a bit outdated, but the rest of the house is perfect, don’t say goodbye just yet. Make an offer that leaves room in your budget for new appliances. In fact, you might be able to negotiate new appliances in the sale of the home. New appliances and a fresh coat of paint, along with a new lighting fixture or two can turn that outdated kitchen into a modern gourmet’s dream.
  • Finally, curb appeal is definitely important when choosing homes, but don’t discount your dream home just because of a few landscaping blemishes. Landscaping, according to HGTV, can easily be changed to suit your needs better as a homeowner, and is another project that doesn’t have to take up all your time and money.

For more information on Rockville, Maryland real estate or a second opinion on whether the new house on the corner is better for you, get in contact with us. We’d be happy to field all your Rockville real estate questions.

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