Maryland Intercounty Connector (ICC) Facts
The ICC is an 18-mile, controlled access, tolled highway (16 miles in Montgomery County, 2 miles in Prince George’s County) which will link existing and proposed activity centers on the I-270 and I-95/US 1 corridors.
8 Interchanges will provide efficient and safe access to the ICC at:
- MD 355 (Frederick Road)
- Shady Grove Metro Station access road
- MD 97 (Georgia Avenue)
- MD 182 (Layhill Road)
- MD 650 (New Hampshire Avenue)
- US 29 (Columbia Pike/Briggs Chaney Road)
- Interstate 95
- Virginia Manor Road
- At its eastern terminus, the ICC will meet US 1 at an at-grade intersection
The ICC will be built in five different Design-Build contracts, all are scheduled to open in late fall or early 2012:
- Contract A: I-270/370 to MD 97 (Georgia Avenue);
- Contract B: MD 97 (Georgia Avenue) to US 29 (Columbia Pike/Briggs Chaney Road);
- Contract C: US 29 (Columbia Pike/Briggs Chaney Road) to I-95 and collector-distributor lanes along I-95 south of the ICC;
- Contract D: Collector-distributor lanes along I-95 north of the ICC (DEFERRED); and
- Contact E: I-95 to US 1.
The sequence of construction is A – C – B – E – D (deferred).
If you have any questions about the ICC or about homes for sale or rent in Maryland, please let me know.
Thank you,