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Moving into Your New Olney Home

Moving into your new Olney, Maryland home can be a stressful time for your family. The excitement of the new place and the anxiety of getting everything packed up from the old one can wear you down. Follow these moving tips to ensure a seamless transition that won’t drive you crazy.

  • First, determine if you are going to move yourself, partially by yourself or use a commercial or local moving company to do the process for you. There are many factors that this decision rests on. What is your budget? Do you have time constraints? If money isn’t tight and you need to get in the new place quick, hiring a moving company many be the route to go; however, if you want to save some cash and have some time to get into your new place in Olney, doing it yourself may be the best option for you.
  • Packing can be stressful, making sure everything goes in its place and stays with items of a similar nature. The best thing you can do here is to think about unpacking while you’re packing. In the later hours of packing, it can be difficult to stay organized and not just stuff things where they fit. Here, labelling boxes clearly for which room of the new place they’ll be in will make unpacking a less stressful event that will move more quickly.
  • Make sure to go through your belongings and discard what you don’t need to take with you. Donating clothes you don’t wear to charity, recycling glass bottles and selling off furniture you don’t plan on using can make for a less cluttered and more seamless move into your new Olney home.

For further help with the moving process, or information on Olney, Maryland real estate, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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