What’s the Difference Between Butter and Margarine?
According to police in Waterville, WA, this question and its answer led to a girl being charged with fourth-degree assault.
The headline from the AP says it all: Cops: Siblings brawl over butter in mac and cheese
How did the brawl begin? The police report said the sister was making macaroni and cheese when her brother asked if she was using butter. That led to an argument over, you guessed it, what’s the difference between butter and margarine? From there, the violence escalated, and the 21-year-old man called police to say his 17-year-old sister tried to cut his neck with the serrated edge of a spatula.
So, what’s the difference between butter and margarine? In a nutshell, butter is made from cream produced by cows and margarine is made from a vegetable oil.
So, you may ask yourself, why does the question, what’s the difference between butter and margarine, have to do with real estate. Well, nothing really. However, if you’re planning to make mac and cheese and you need a place to do it, Peggy Lyn Speicher helps buyers, sellers, and renters with homes for sale or rent in Maryland.