Darnestown Outside, Potomac, MD
Darnestown Outside in Potomac, Maryland
Darnestown Outside, Maryland is not far from Washington D.C. along the north eastern bank of the Potomac River just outside of the small town Potomac. The economy there is booming, the schools are first class, and there are many beautiful areas of recreation to visit during your time there. It would be a great place to bring and raise a family. Read the following for more details on each of these positive aspects of the community.
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The Economy
CNNMoney has ranked Potomac, Maryland as seventh in towns with the most prosperity when it comes to money, property, and possessions. Bloomberg Businessweek has put Potomac at number twenty-nine for the richest zip codes in the United States as well. The median income was almost a quarter of a million dollars. Many of the residents of this town work in Washington D.C. It is part of Montgomery County.
The top employer in the county is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services who has nearly thirty thousand employees. Montgomery County Public Schools employs over twenty two thousand and comes in second. The United States Department of Justice hires just under thirteen thousand.
Montgomery County and the United States Department of Commerce both hire just over eight thousand. Marriott International, Adventist HealthCare, Lockheed Martin, Giant, and Verizon round out the top ten employers and all together hire around twenty two thousand. There are many great jobs available in the area which have high salaries.
Montgomery County Public Schools
Montgomery County Public Schools District is home of over 200 schools educating 149,000 students with more than 11,000 teachers with students from 157 different countries.
Those are some big statistics. Potomac is home to Winston Churchill High School, Bullis School, Connelly School of the Holy Child, Potomac Elementary School, The Heights School, German School Washington D.C., Ivymount School, McLean School of Maryland, Our Lady of Mercy School, and the Fourth Presbyterian School to name a few.
Forbes listed Potomac as the seventh most top-educated American small town which should be about all you need to know. Your children will get one of the best educations they can get in this area around schools that are well built and have no issues with getting tax money to support any project.
Parks and Recreation Areas
Within driving distance are hundreds of parks and recreation areas for you to keep you and your family entertained adventuring in. If you are wanting to stay inside of Potomac for your trip you still have many choices available to you as well. Watts Branch Park is along the northern border of the town.
Horizon Hill Park and Fox West Neighborhood Park are also good choices if you are near the north side. Kilgour Branch Park and Bedforshire Park are very close together on the east side. Falls Road Golf Course is available to play some rounds right beside the small Potomac Park. There are too many parks and recreation areas to mention. You will have to visit them all yourself and find out which one suits you and your family the best.
Potomac, MDÂ is a prosperous area with a great economy, amazing schools, and many beautiful places to enjoy your days. Try visiting the area to see if you like it and you will have a hard time passing up the opportunities that await here.